Thursday, August 16, 2007

Quote for the Day: August 16,2007

"Seeing the many spectrums in existence is so very...A...M...U...S...I...N...G!!! and maybe...amazing...But I think more of the former since that one's more fun."

-o6i2, the Insane

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Quote for the Day: August 9,2007

"I envy you who are more experienced and mature than I am...Those who understand and know what is happening in their own lives...I envy you who have loves and special someones for the great mystery of love is beyond all our understanding and because it is something we will only achieve once we are rid of what roots us to existence, namely love itself...I envy you who understand these mysteries as they are some of the most fundamental things that give beings purpose and existence...

...Sadly there is only one way to counter envy and that is with contentment and such is only found when envy is overcome...So this pain will remain until we overcome this envy...of all things that exist..."

-The Seven Sides

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Quote for the Day: August 7,2007

"A little more and I'll need to lose control...A thing that the Host would definitely won't all...But it might be a necessity because I need to vent stored anger..."

-Shade, the Warrior.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Quote for the Day: August 4,2007

"A lot of people want a lot in life...They set their standards so high that even they can't ever reach them...Sadly, these are the people who are great in many respects, but will never get anywhere since they try too hard to reach their own unattainable standards...My advice to them: Lower your target a little. Maybe then, when you take the shot you'll actually hit..."

-Gero, the Host