Friday, June 29, 2007


The emotion of sadness...It is the negative emotional energy I abosrb when I am around people who act depressed, sad(duh?), as if in grief, heartbroken, etc. The list goes on, but to me it's the same type of energy. Once absorbed, and usually in large amounts, it starts to affect me(i.e. I become sad to for no reason at all). Then it intensifies. The emotional heart starts to twist and churn and turns the energy into emotional pain. This kind of pain pools in the heart and makes it hurt like hell. This reduces the positive energy that I and my other selves are able to use up. The pain only dissipates when I can absorb happiness. It only dissipates, not disappears, so there is always a small twinge of emotional pain caused by sadness in me, or should I say us.

Maybe this explains why I try to keep the mood light wherever I am when it seems too gloomy or quiet or emo or just plain sad. Maybe this explains why I let my other selves loose during those times. To lighten up the mood. To make people laugh. To make my own emotional pain smaller and more insignificant.

And maybe because...I've already felt too much sadness, too much pain. Because of too many things I've lost and of too many sad moments I have witnessed.

I am writing this in the hopes that one may come to understand such an existence as my own, or should I say our own.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Quote for the Day: June 29,2007

"Never quite the same...Never quite different...Such is what we call normality...Or at least what I observe..."

-Kramer, the Silent Watcher
Quote for the Day: June 28, 2007

"In life, both death and insanity are inevitable. One's life will end at some point and one will always feel the urge to do something completely and utterly different, a form of insanity, at one point of their life. I'm just living out his own stored Insanity and the Insanity that I myself create."

-o6i2, the Insane

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Quote for the Day: June 12,2007

"Happy Birthday to us...Happy Birthday to us...Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday...Happy Birthday to us..."

-The Seven

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Quote for the Day: June 7, 2007

"Whatever and anything that will happen, are happening and have already happened are caused by the intertwined choices and decisions of people... For both the right and wrong reasons... Or even for reasons unexplainable and neither considered right or wrong but considered as madness or genius..."

-o6i2, the Insane

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Quote for the Day: June 5, 2007

"It would seem that nothing has changed...but in reality many things have changed. We just ignore those changes because we are comfortable doing so and do not think that those changes will do anything if we ignore them..."

-The Seven Sides
Notes on The Dimensional Drifter

We're moving all the current Chapters and all Information(if any) of The Dimensional Drifter to

Everything's cluttered on this blog already so we're moving. If you were following the story please check it out on the site above. Sorry if it's inconvenient to any of you.

-Gero, the Host & Jet, the Poet